FHS Girls' Thanksgiving Holiday Tournament
Tournament Schedule: The team listed first will be the home team and will wear white. Varsity teams are in bold font.
5:00 Winnebago vs. Eastland 5:00 Byron vs. Orangeville
6:30 Stockton vs. Stillman 6:30 Winnebago vs. Eastland
8:00 Forreston vs. Orangeville 8:00 Stockton vs. Stillman
Friday, November 22
5:00 Orangeville vs. Stillman 5:00 Winnebago vs. Byron
6:30 Stockton vs. Eastland 6:30 Orangeville vs. Stillman
8:00 Forreston vs. Winnebago 8:00 Stockton vs. Eastland
Saturday, November 23
10:00 Winnebago vs. Stockton 10:00 Forreston vs. Stillman
11:30 Eastland vs. Orangeville 11:30 Winnebago vs. Stockton
1:00 Forreston vs. Stillman 1:00 Eastland vs. Orangeville
Monday, November 25
5:00 Orangeville vs. Stockton 5:00 Eastland vs. Byron
6:30 Stillman vs. Winnebago 6:30 Orangeville vs. Stockton
8:00 Eastland vs. Forreston 8:00 Stillman vs. Winnebago
Tuesday, November 26
5:00 Stillman vs. Eastland 5:00 Byron vs. Stockton
6:30 Winnebago vs. Orangeville 6:30 Stillman vs. Eastland
8:00 Forreston vs Stockton 8:00 Winnebago vs. Orangeville