Senior Spotlight - Ty Johnson
Name: Ty Peter Johnson
1. What do you look forward to the most during your senior year?
I always look forward to Whiteside’s Digital Media Arts classes as they are an amazing creative outlet and a very welcoming escape and respite from the stresses and struggles of making it through the school day. Also, I look forward to spending time with my friends outside of school and working on personal artistic projects!
2. What activities/athletics are you involved with at FHS?
I am the high school varsity scholastic/academic bowl captain and enjoy playing with some of my peers and contributing to the staufferbuck economy.
3. What are your post-Forreston plans?
I plan on going to Highland as an exploring student to take my gen eds, a creative writing class, and a variety of other intriguing courses.
4. What advice would you give an incoming freshman?
It won't be easy but you can make it through this. Take your time, think for yourself, think your own thoughts and opinions, explore your interests between it all, and make the most of it. It will take time and it may hurt, but if you work to better yourself, you'll come out of it for the better. You're never truly alone and if you haven't found your people yet, trust me, you will. If you're actually reading this, I wholeheartedly believe in you and hope you have a brighter day!